Hallstead-Great Bend

135 Franklin Ave.
Hallstead, PA 18822
phone: 570-879-2227 fax: 570-879-0982
email: hgb@susqcolibrary.org
Hours of Operation
Monday 9am to 1pm, 2pm to 5pm
Tuesday 9am to 1pm, 2pm to 6pm
Wednesday 9am to 1pm, 2pm to 5pm
Thursday 9am to 1pm, 2pm to 5pm
Friday 9am to 12pm
Saturday 9am to 12pm
Closed on Sundays
Hallstead-Great Bend Library Staff:
Lauren Canfield, Branch Librarian
Valerie Burdick, Library Assistant
Andrea S., Library Assistant
Leslie Lowry, Library Assistant
Hallstead-Great Bend is closed on the following holidays:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Day
President's Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veteran's Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
History of the Hallstead-Great Bend Branch
Click here for the 100-Year Anniversary video!
November 1899 -- There was mention in a local paper that there were arrangements made for a "Citizen's Library"
December 1915 -- A concrete lock-up building was constructed by Alfred E. Badgley for $1900 for the Hallstead Boro
September 1916 -- The Hallstead Women's Christian Temperance Union opened a "Reading Room" to the public
1917 -- Rented a room in the Lamb House at the corner of Susquehanna & Pine Streets, started with 40 books. Miss Vena Smith was the first librarian.
1918 -- Moved to William Richard house, outgrew the rooms
November 1920 -- The Hallstead Public Library moved to present location (201 Franklin Street), sharing facilities with local jail.
1929 -- The Civic Club formed a Book Club
1931 -- The Civic Club began sponsoring the library, and still does to the present!
April 1936 -- The Civic Club took over running the library
1976 -- Children's Room donated in memory of Alfred Hall
1999 -- Joined with the Susquehanna County Library System and became the Hallstead-Great Bend Branch Library
June 2001 -- New Addition erected with special thanks to the citizens of Hallstead & Great Bend and a Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund Grant. A Community Block Development Grant was awarded for handicap restroom and door ramp. Barnes & Noble donated furniture & Information sign.
2001 -- The desk furniture and chairs donated in Memory of Mary E. Tuttle.
2002 -- Garden donated by the Hallstead–Great Bend Civic Club in honor their 75th Anniversary
2008 -- Front Door awning was donated in Memory of Jean Gula and George Houghton
2003-2012 -- Dale and Trudy Henry’s Annual Golf Tournament was held to help with furnishings
Librarians and Branch Managers:
1916-1918 Mrs. Frances McCreary
1918-1920 Miss Vena Smith (Mrs. Hutchins)
1920-1925 Mrs. Hand
1960-1972 Jessie Allen
1972-1979 Karen Wrighter
1979-1981 Cathy Dorning
1981-1983 Linda Anesi
1983-1985 Cathy Dorning
1985-1991 John McCathy
1991-1999 Rosemary Hazen
1997-2024 Angelia Hall
2024- Lauren Canfield