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Homeschool Services

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The library has responded to the growing homeschooling population by offering benefits to families who are residents of Susquehanna County and registered in the Homeschool program. With a Homeschool library card, participants receive an extended check out period. Registered families are also eligible to participate in the Homeschool programs held monthly during the school year. With notice, the Outreach Department will gather a collection of books according to a specific request, or conduct a tour of the library and its resources.


Monthly programs, geared for elementary-aged learners, begin with a book and expand with activities. Topics criss-cross the curriculum but always include fun.

Click here for more information about the upcoming program.

Click here if you'd like to see what happened at the most recent program.



The Homeschool Swap Shelf, located between the Children's and Teen areas in the Main library in Montrose, contains a collection of homeschooling materials donated by homeschoolers for homeschoolers. Please take whatever is helpful to you. Leave materials you would like to donate to the cause in the box marked donations.


Useful Links for Homeschooling Families

Endless Learning Cooperative: There is a new homeschool group forming in the Montrose area. Check out the Facebook page for more information.

Susquehanna County Homeschoolers Yahoo Group: An email based group used to connect with other homeschoolers in Susquehanna County. Post or read about different local homeschooling activities or ask questions about homeschool related topics.
Updated Guide to Pennsylvania Homeschool Law Download and print your own copy or find it at Pennsylvania Homeschoolers web site.

About Homeschooling: groups useful information and links from around the web. This is their page devoted to homeschooling.
Homeschool World: The official website of Practical Homeschooling magazine. How to get started, forums, etc.



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